Sunday 28 March 2010

Cubetti di patate

I'm back, with more recipes!  This one's an easy and tasty potato accompaniment to any meal, and eminently suitable  for dinner parties because you can just decant it into a bowl and let people help themselves.  Make absolutely loads of it, and don't panic about quantities, because you can freeze whatever you don't eat.

Cooking time: 40-50 minutes depending on quantity desired.

Ingredients (serves 4)
  • About 10 large potatoes, peeled but with a bit of skin left on and cut into cubes no larger than 1/2 inch square
  • A large red onion, chopped finely
  • A good six inches of any French or Italian salami, chopped into cubes (substitute pancetta or even bacon if desired)
  • Olive oil for roasting
  • Optional: fresh rosemary, thyme, chilli flakes, black olives to garnish
Method: Preheat an oven to about gas mark 7, and start boiling a pan of lightly salted water.

When the water comes to the boil, add the potato cubes and blanch for two to three minutes - no more.  Drain and place in a large baking tray with the onion and salami.  Drizzle over olive oil and herbs.

Bake until golden, stirring occasionally to stop potatoes from burning.  A drizzle of balsamic vinegar is a nice finishing touch.